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"Patriotic Animal Lovers!"



Founded by former US Special Operations and Military Intelligence members who leverage an extended network of current and former members of Tier 1 SMU's, Federal Government Para-Military, regular military from all branches of service, Law Enforcement SWAT & K9 Units, as well as civilian Subject Matter Experts (SME) in Explosives, Multi-Purpose K9 technology, gear, breeding, and training. Our network also extends to Special Operations from the Five Eyes Alliance (FVEY) which includes: US, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. We do not conduct business with countries outside this established and trusted alliance.  Though we are considered experts in several technical and tactical fields, we are still hungry to learn and continue to improve our knowledge base daily.






If you've ever served in any Special Operations Unit one of the core principles is to leave it better than your found it. This is something that requires utter honesty with yourself and your teammates, and it is not an environment for the timid of heart or delicate of constitution. At SOK9 we value experience and innovation working in tandem. But sadly in this niche industry it is very common for the former to actively work to prevent the latter simply because of economics and stubborn adherence to abusive old-school methods. We have encountered tremendous opposition from long standing industry leaders, whose old-school philosophies seem cemented primarily because they cannot afford to publicly endorse a better system without simultaneously destroying their hard-earned reputations and thus their livelihood. But make no mistake. This is an industry whose currency is both human and canine lives and therefore not an industry that can afford simple profit motivated businesses willing to justify any wrong in order to save a buck. We do not do business with any company who's profit motivated model advocates against the use of vaccinations, or uses abusive training methods as overhead reducing measures. Unlike so many we do train an 'out' to all of our bite dogs because a dog that won't release a bite on command is simply an out of control liability, not an asset. KNPV has a legacy of abuse that has unfortunately been imported to the US by the hardcore dog sport crowd. Methods such as the use of cattle prods, sharpened pinch collars, shovel beatings, e-collars set to ridiculously high settings sometimes fashioned around the male dog's testicles, and food deprivation to highlight just a few, all in the name of a higher obedience score is insane. In plain knuckle-dragging-English at SOK9 we don't give a FUCK if it takes our dogs a few fractions of a second longer to execute an obedience command as long as we know we have control over our canine. It is our opinion that KNPV may have been the start of something, but it is no longer the best provider of high drive working K9 training methods or dogs. KNPV failed to evolve in the right direction with their focus straying to dog sport rather than true Police / Military / Personal Protection K9. Again in our opinion the best K9 prospects are being produced by small but passionate boutique breeders right here in the USA. 

Our primary focus is to design specialized working K9 equipment, while secondarily we offer imprinting and advanced tactical training services for high-drive multipurpose Military and Law Enforcement K9. Note effective 26 August 2016: SOK9 LLC. will officially launch HyperK9. HyperK9 will be structured as an internal division dedicated to the civilian personal protection solutions market by offering the highest quality of finished ViP Companion K9.  


On the tactical side we reverse engineer the Special Operations K9 [SOK9's] of the future by learning from the shortfalls of the past and current serving teams.  This requires honest assessments, critical thinking, achievable goal setting, and clear understanding of the aim. Our definition of a hard dog is a balance of aggression, raw drive, and trained obedience which enhances their natural instinct to stand and fight no matter the environmental conditions or threat. Like their human partners SOK9 must never quit. 


On the equipment end, we observe, obsess, envision, design, develop, test, and re-test proprietary tactical K9 platforms that enrich and improve survivability of K9 units in hostile environments. During the observation stage we pay close attention to current tactics and technology for ways to improve, redesign, or re-envision from the ground up.  


On all training and design fronts, when stumped we reach out to industry SME's and explore solutions. There are no shortcuts to doing things right. Frankly if you got it right the first time out of the box you were not pushing the envelope. We don't have all the answers, but we do find solutions to many. Chest pounding egos are checked at the door; we live to learn. 

We are conveniently located just 15 minutes from MCB / FBI / DEA Quantico, 25 minutes from the Pentagon, 30 minutes from CIA HQ and our Nation's Capital, and 2.5 hours from Camp Peary Training Center.  We have developed mutually beneficial relationships with multiple training sites and agencies that extend hundreds of acres and locations with valuable assets at our disposal. From wide open fields, heavily wooded areas and waterways, to fire department rappel towers, LE Certified Agility Courses, warehouses, schools, access to Federal and Local Law Enforcement SWAT Teams, and even a helicopter and skydiving training centers. Best of all we have more assets coming aboard every day.

"In The Middle of it All!"


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