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"Working K9 are a collection of conditioned behaviors that progressively evolve into skill set. Therefore training never truly ends and the formal finish is merely the start of their life of on the job training into maturity." 



The Finish



The finish is more about a mutual maturity between the handler and his K9, a je ne sais quoi than anything else 😎. Its when a K9 has achieved the ultimate balance and patience. He has the right level of self-confidence but as an A-, trusts his handler to lead the way. Reaching the point in the relationship between handler and K9 that comes from a mutual sense of respect in one another and the only way to achieve this is time on the training field and on the street. In fact the finish is more often than not about the handler placing trust in his K9 to perform as trained to do. Training the finish is about slowing the pace down, making the connection, and as trainers at this vital stage we serve more as counselors and facilitators than active participants. We are go between for two well trained individuals. 


Simplicity is the hallmark of Special Operations and it is with this in mind that we created our own rapid visual reference system to quickly indicate each K9's finished skill set, as well as environmental acclimation.  Each 'icon' depicted below represents a proficiency awarded upon successful testing in any one of our Advanced Tactical Behavior certifications.  The use of this icon system provides rapid visual indication to handlers pertaining to each dog's capabilities.  Our aim with this system is to avoid confusions, which in our field can prove life threatening can be reduced. Mistakenly placing a K9 in a situation or environment they have not been properly conditioned to can quickly escalate to a loss of positive control. In turn, loss of control around Helo, maritime, or hoist operations can result in the loss of life.


One further note on a finished dog. Every dog, no matter how shit hot, will require routine tune ups. There is simply no validity to the claims by many personal protection K9 trainers that once your dog is delivered it is good to go, never requiring training again. That's pure snake oil. That line is like saying that because I did a few sit ups in high school I should not expect any belly fat at 50. 


The top row depicts tested proficiencies while the bottom row depicts hostile environments. Hover curser over icon to reveal it's meaning.

A solid hold command is crucial. It must override a K9's greatest desire. Here, our boy has one of the highest food drives we've ever encountered. Yet, he will hold in place for over an hour waiting for his command to eat his favorite meal, raw chicken necks, folded with raw eggs, pumpkin, oatmeal, and a couple of secret ingredients. When given his eat command he hammers the bowl like a freight train. 

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