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Developing a K9 that remains cool under pressure is less science than art. . 


                                                   (WE ARE CURRENTLY UPDATING THIS SECTION WITH MORE PICTURES)

We turn up the heat!  Our decoy service is specifically focused on real world protection; we do not provide sport dog decoy services.


A brief description of our style: We encourage displaying aggression as a warning and deterrence (a.k.a., civil aggression), we build confidence by confronting K9's eye to eye and focusing on frontal attacks at short distance and at times from elevated positions. In brief we add stress and initially remove stress upon bite.  Eventually we build the dog's confidence while sustaining the stress during the bite. All of our puppies begin with chamois at 4 weeks, move to tugs at the 3rd and 4th month, progress to pillow wedges at the 5th and 6th month, then transition to development sleeves after teething.  For us, the pups will not encounter the bite suit until they have developed the ability execute a deep and prolonged bite.  In this way we can pay close attention to the depth and pressure of the bite in a manner that a bite suit cannot provide. When they at last confront the suit we focus on developing a targeting strategy that stacks the odds in favor of the K9 while also increasing the stress and fight with lifts and pins.  Above all we turn on the pressure incrementally in order to develop a K9's tactical awareness during ground fighting while keeping the positive praise frequent. We want them to unleash a borage that overwhelms the bag-guy, thereby eliciting a defensive posture until they have either been apprehended such as in a Police situation, or until the handler has had the opportunity to evacuate to a safe area in a private individual personal protection scenario. We want our K9 to maintain offensive actions until recalled or pulled off the bite. All off these behaviors are first isolated, and developed before they are merged into a sequence of behaviors. Generally the individual behaviors are introduced early, before teething as simple play.  We continue to develop our skills through seminars and exchanges with other experienced individuals in order to stay current. This is a discipline that should never be allowed to grow complacent or stagnant.


We assist with:

 * Out/Release Training

 * Bite Development

 * Confidence Building

 * Developing Civil Aggression

 * Recall Off Bite

 * Bungee (strength and motivation building)

 * Water Environment Bites

 * Etc.





















































































































(We DO NOT use e-collars or pinch/prong collars for any bite related training as we have found it to increase K9 aggression towards handler. For harder, as in stubborn K9, we used to use 2" collars for choke off but have evolved to the temporary use thick rope slip collars to increase the speed of release in order minimize the physical and emotional trauma to the K9. Working out with strong motivated bite dogs can be both physically exhausting and dangerous. Live bites are not uncommon. But all K9 employed as Police or Personal Protection should have a solid out. The lack of it creates a legal liability that could result in a K9 being put down for doing what it was trained to do: bite.)


My old goalie mask has really come in handy when training muzzle fighting.  Difference is that pucks didn't zig zag, and turn around to finish the job if they miss the first time. All work and no play makes for a boring decoy >;-P

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